Your personal data is processed by and under the responsibility of DWEX whose registered office is at Jan Devischstraat, 89 in 8300 Knokke, with VAT/ECB number: BE 0888.458.137 (hereinafter referred to as "DWEX” or “We”). For any questions regarding this Privacy Protection Charter (hereinafter the "Charter"), you can write to us by post at the above address or by e-mail at the following address:

We are concerned about respecting your privacy when using the site (hereinafter the "Site") and are aware of the importance you attach to it. This is why we only collect personal data about you on the condition that it is necessary for the purposes described in this Charter. This Charter aims to provide you with comprehensive information about the personal data we collect and how we use it.

Personal data (hereinafter "Personal Data") means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is identifiable when he can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements specific to his physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.

The processing of Personal Data collected via the Site is subject to Belgian law. It is in particular subject to the law of December 8, 1992 relating to the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data and, from May 25, 2018, to European regulation n ° 2016/679 of April 27. 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR"). These legal texts guarantee specific protection to any user of the Site ("You") whose Personal Data would be processed by DWEX when using the Site. This Charter is established in accordance with the obligations arising from these legal texts.



    When you use the Site, we collect and process according to the methods and principles described below, the following Personal Data:

    - The information you give us for contractual purposes and to enable the proper performance of reciprocal obligations, namely your surname(s), first name(s), postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and more generally any other information that you voluntarily provide to us when you contact us whether by telephone, email or any other means;
    - The description of your goods, your addresses, your billing addresses, your tenants, your transactions and all other information that you voluntarily provide to us when using the Site or our services;
    - Your IP address, your language preferences, the pages or sections of the site you visit and other information relating to your browsing. Some of this information is collected through cookies.


    We use the Personal Data we collect for the following purposes:

    1. Allow you to use the various features of the Site and provide you with the services requested, record your questions or requests and respond to them, as well as any other use necessary for the performance of the contract that you conclude with us by using our Site and our services;
    2. Respond to any request from a competent authority or comply with any other legal or regulatory obligation to which we may be subject;
    3. Ensuring the IT security of the Site, preventing, detecting and fighting against fraudulent, illegal or contrary activities to these T&Cs, protecting the users of the Site or their property. This reuse of your Personal Data is justified by the need to ensure the security of our Site and our services;
    4. Carry out statistics and/or market analyzes in order to manage and improve our Site and our services, while only making use of your Personal Data in an aggregated form that does not allow you to be directly identified. This reuse of your Personal Data is justified by the need to ensure the profitability and growth of our activities, while respecting your individual rights and freedoms and subject to appropriate technical and organizational security measures, such as to avoid any unlawful use. of your Personal Data.


    By using the Site, you accept that cookies are installed on your computer, allowing the storage of information relating in particular to the language chosen during your navigation and the parts of the Site visited. You also agree that we subsequently access the data thus stored. This storage or access to stored information is likely to constitute a processing of Personal Data, which is then carried out for the purposes indicated above in Title 3.

    You can in principle limit or prohibit our use of cookies by changing your browser settings. Most browsers offer the option of erasing cookies from the computer's hard drive, blocking all cookies or generating a warning when a cookie wants to be installed. For more information on these functions, please consult your browser instructions or help screen. Please note that some parts or features of the Site will become unavailable or no longer function properly if cookies are deleted or blocked.


    We are very attentive to the security and confidentiality of your Personal Data. We use recognized security procedures to guarantee the security of the transmission of your Personal Data to and from our Site.

    Your Personal Data may be transmitted to other members of DWEX in order to provide you with information on products and services similar to those offered by DWEX. This transmission will always be done with your consent.

    If necessary, we are likely to transfer all or part of your data to third parties, when this is imposed on us by an administrative or judicial authority, in compliance with applicable legislation.

    Your data is intrinsically linked to the activity of our Site and may therefore be transferred to another company in the event that we have to sell, assign, contribute or otherwise transfer all or part of our activities, or merge with another company or carry out any other form of reorganization of our business.

    Apart from these assumptions, we do not share any of your data with third parties who may use it for their own needs.

    In addition, your data is in no way stored on servers located outside the European Union.


    Your Personal Data is kept by DWEX for the time necessary to provide you with the services you request from us and to respond to any question or request that you send to us. They are then deleted. If you have consented to receive information about our products and services or similar products and services offered by DWEX or any other member of DWEX. In this case, your data will be kept until you object to this processing, which you are entitled to do at any time. Afterwards, we generally delete your data, unless their storage is still necessary for one of the other purposes mentioned in point 3 above.


    You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data for advertising or marketing purposes.

    You have the right to access, rectify, erase, limit and oppose the processing of your data, as well as the right to data portability, within the limits and in the manner set by the applicable legislation.

    You can also withdraw your consent at any time to the uses that you have previously authorized. Note that the withdrawal of your consent for one or other of these uses will not affect the processing already carried out of your Personal Data but will only apply for the future.

    To exercise these rights, you can write to us at the address mentioned in Title 1 or send us an e-mail at the following address: Any request to exercise these rights must be accompanied by a copy of your identity card.

    In addition, commercial e-mails or newsletters that may be sent to you will indicate a link on which you can click so that you no longer receive promotional information from us.

    If you are not satisfied with the way we process your Personal Data, you can file a complaint with the Privacy Commission (


    We reserve the right to make changes to this Charter. These changes will be brought to your attention through the Site or an individual notification, and will become effective 7 days after being so published or communicated.